2301 Whitney Avenue, Gretna, LA 70056
Commercial property for sale
Added: 07/18/2011
Last Update: 08/09/2011
2301 Whitney Avenue
Gretna, LA
70056 US
Contact info
- 504-569-9312 [Office]
.17 miles to Hwy. 90 (Business) and 1.17 miles to Hwy. 23 (Belle Chasse Hwy). Gretna, LA. Building price details: $695,000.
Property Details
- Type: Commercial (Other)
- Use Types:Warehouse/Distribution
- Status: Available
- MSA: New Orleans-Metairie-Kenner
- Zoning: C-1, Commercial
- Buildings: 1
- Tenancy: Single Tenant
- Cash to Seller