228 Spring St, JEFFERSONVILLE, IN 47130
Commercial property for sale
Located in Downtown Jeffersonville, this building has been known as "Tubbys" in the past which at one time was a thriving pizzaria in downtown. The City of Jeffersonville has a purchased the adjoining parking lot next to this building and are now using it as an PUBLIC "Outdoor Ice Skating Rink". This building is in a district that allows for a 3-way liquor license (beer wine and mixed drinks)to be purchased for $1000 per year and you hae to maintain a certain level of food sales. You have to apply with the State of IN and the City of Jeffersonville has to be supportive of your establishment as the Mayor may choose to provide a letter of support based on your business plan and experience. Downtown Jeffersonville offers alot of various retail, salons and offices. There is a plan in place to complete the ramp that comes off of the walk-over bridge as the KY side is complete. This will be a great addition for Downtown. Owner is willing to provide financing for a well qualified buyer with terms and condiions agreed. Like most historical buildings, this building needs someone that see the potential of the location and can fulfill the need for more restaurants in the Downtown as that is what the retailers and the City seem to be looking for. Call me with any questions or to set up an appt. Mike Kopp 502.386.9022 Building price details: $110,000.
Property Details
- Type: Retail
- Status: Available
- Buildings: 1